1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST
Location: Online via Zoom
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Aaron Roberts, City of Millcreek Utah
How does a new City fund a stormwater program with aging and failing infrastructure? Establishing a stormwater utility fee was a key first step for Millcreek, Utah as one of the newest cities in Utah. We will discuss the steps taken from studies, public comment, city council presentations and ultimately implementation of a utility fee to fund an entire stormwater program.
Pete Hill, Environmental Policy Innovation Center (EPIC)
Stretching existing dollars is just as important as finding new funding. This presentation explores how a Pay for Success contracting mechanism could overcome various barriers to scaling up GSI. This approach utilizes a different contracting approach that shares risk, increases flexibility, and incentivizes optimal design and implementation approaches. Through these changes, many administrative, coordination, and insurance burdens are lessened, which has the effect of streamlining operations. The goal of these changes is to expand the scale of GSI by realizing efficiencies for all participants, leading to lower costs and expedited implementation.