Event Registration - Center for Watershed Protection, Inc.

Webcast 2. Behavior Change at the Local Level: A Case Study
2/26/2025 - 2/26/2025
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST

Location: Online via Zoom

Registration ends on 2/25/2025
There are currently 999 spots remaining out of 1000

Event Description

Joseph Brown, Nashville Metro Water Services
Facilitating behavior change to reduce stormwater pollution can sound daunting. In this webcast, we will take you down the paths we have followed to develop and implement a program at Metro Water Services in Nashville, TN. We will describe our work with local universities, interviews with other utilities, and summarize the information and methods we have found most useful.

Gretchen Judkins, Nashville Metro Water Services
With the help of illicit discharge complaints and staff audits, the Phase I MS4 of Nashville, TN, identified to areas of opportunity for its education program: alcohol manufacturers and municipal maintenance staff. Despite needing similar education about reducing stormwater pollution, the two audiences required unique solutions relating to their sites and regulatory requirements. This presentation will discuss the two methods used by Metro Water Services, the leader in Nashville’s MS4 permit, to educate and ensure permit compliance. It will also examine the benefits and lessons learned for future educational efforts.